Use the tip of a spudger to bend back the finger of the “Warning: Do not remove the battery” sticker while you remove the five-point Pentalobe screw hidden underneath.Remove the two exposed five-point Pentalobe screws along the top edge of the battery. Remove the two exposed five-point Pentalobe screws along the top edge of the battery.However, it is recommended to remove all power sources from electronics before working on them. You do not necessarily have to follow steps 3-7 to remove the battery in order to replace the hard drive. If the head of your screwdriver fits too loosely, find a bigger bit and file it down until it fits snugly before proceeding.

Be sure the head of your flathead screwdriver fits snugly across two of the five “points” of the screw head before trying to break the screw free, as a loose fit will easily strip the screw head. If you don’t have a Pentalobe driver, a 1.5 mm flathead screwdriver can be used in a pinch. They can be removed with this special driver. Three Pentalobe screws secure the battery to the upper case.

Then use your device until it shuts off due to low battery. For optimal performance, calibrate your newly installed battery: Charge it to 100% and keep charging it for at least 2 more hours.Warranty: 3 Months Replacement Warranty.Macbook Pro 13" A1278 Battery Replacement Mid 2009-Mid 2012 (Model A1322)